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售價:210 |
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搜尋參考資料: 1.ARM - The Architecture For The Digital World ARM is a leader in microprocessor Intellectual Property. ARM designs and licenses fast, low-cost, power-efficient RISC processors, peripherals and 'system-on-chip ... ARM, originally Acorn RISC Machine, is a family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set architectures for computer processors, configured for ... In human anatomy, the arm is the upper limb of the body, comprising regions between the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) and the elbow joint. In common usage the ... DEFINITION of 'Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - ARM' A type of mortgage in which the interest rate paid on the outstanding balance varies according to a specific benchmark. noun 1. the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist. 2. the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow. 3. the ... |
產品說明重量:170G 商品簡介提供健康齒齦最認真的呵護幫助預防蛀牙強化砝瑯質配合正確刷牙習慣:- 幫助去除牙菌斑、降低牙周病發生率、預防口腔異味、幫助去除牙漬、潔白牙齒、清新口氣、保持口腔健康清潔牙齒、幫助預防齲齒/蛀牙、幫助去除引起蛀牙的細菌、強化琺瑯質、透過再礦化修護琺瑯質損傷、幫助預防牙齦問題使用方式每天用餐後或至少2次,取適量牙膏,配合正確刷牙方法,再以清水漱口即可。或依照醫師指示使用。6歲以下兒童請由大人指導正確的刷牙及漱口習慣。(減少吞食的危險)2歲以下孩童請諮詢醫生的意見商品規格/注意事項產品規格:170G原產地:美國保存期限:未開封3年注意事項:1. 請放置6歲以下孩童無法取得位置。2. 請勿吞食,用後漱口及吐出。若不慎吞入超過刷牙使用量之牙膏,請立即就醫。3. 若使用時有紅、腫、刺激感等不適症狀,請停止使用,並諮詢醫師意見。4. 請盡量避免將產品使用於傷口、紅腫及濕疹等皮膚異常部位。 |